Help Save our Forest!
In 2025 we hope to protect an additional 17 acres of forest. and grow both our oldest and newest nature preserves.
Over 400 acres of forests and woodlands are now protected along the Ohio River Valley with 8 nature preserves open to the public from dawn to dusk!
Events are free, family-friendly, open to the public, and led by experts in our local environment.
Since 1992, we’ve been protecting natural green space along the Ohio River valley between Cincinnati and the Indiana border.
Stay up to date with our newsletter, The Steward, which is filled with fun stories, terrific photos, and upcoming events.
Our Story
The Western Wildlife Corridor, a nonprofit land trust established in 1992, is dedicated to protecting natural habitats along the Ohio River Valley from the Mill Creek to the Great Miami River. Currently, we protect over 400 acres of forest at seven preserves open to the public. Our headquarters, the Kirby Nature Center in Addyston, Ohio, serves as a hub for our dedicated volunteers and donors, without whom our accomplishments would not be possible. We take immense pride in our role as guardians of both the land we protect and the generous contributions of our supporters. There are countless opportunities for involvement, from visiting a preserve and enjoying a hike or seminar to engaging in a volunteer habitat restoration event.
By the Numbers
Latest News
Spring Newsletter
The latest issue of the Steward is here and full of fun upcoming events, exciting stories, delightful photos, and more.
2025 Membership Survey
Thank you for being an important part of our community! We invite you to share your thoughts by completing our
It’s Official!
New Sisson Nature Preserve! It is official!!! The new 19-acre Sisson Nature Preserve has been established. A heartfelt thank you