Make A Gift

Your Gift Will Have A Lasting Impact

Your generous contribution will help us grow the acres of forests that we protect and provide a home for wildlife. Since 1992, we have been working relentlessly towards conserving forested hillsides along the Ohio River Valley, and it is only through the support of our donors like you that we have been able to make a significant impact. We are proud to say that Western Wildlife Corridor is more than just an organization; it is a community of individuals who share a passion for preserving the natural beauty of the Ohio River Valley.

Donor Stories

John and Sylvia Obermeyer

When John and Sylvia Obermeyer decided to build their dream home they looked for a place with a view or woods or a pond.  They found all three on the cliffs of the Ohio River.  After a lifetime together on their seven beautiful wooded, cliff-top acres, during which they taught their children and grandchildren an appreciation of nature and conservation, the time came to plan for the future, including what would happen to their hilltop retreat.
The Obermeyers decided to protect their property by giving an irrevocable Conservation Easement on it to Western Wildlife Corridor. Any time the property is sold it will remain protected from further development, keeping the natural setting intact for future generations.
John:  “Knowing now that the property we have cherished and enjoyed for 50 years will forever be preserved with no development, no concrete, no blacktop – just natural, gives us a feeling of real joy and satisfaction.”
As a bonus, volunteers from WWC periodically clear invasive plants and maintain a walking trail —  a real Win – Win gift scenario.

Walt McBeath

Some years ago Walt McBeath sold a major property site for development. At that time, Walt made a commitment to donate a large portion of the proceeds to support organizations that support and protect greenspace.
As a longtime supporter of Western Wildlife Corridor, Walt saw a special opportunity to make a special gift to WWC in conjunction with the sale of his company, which also provided him a favorable tax deduction.
The beauty of the old growth forest found on Bender Mountain inspired Walt to donate a special bench in memory of his mother, providing a tranquil resting spot for hikers. On a recent wild flower hike provided on Bender Mountain by the WWC, Walt was very gratified to hear hikers and volunteers express how much they enjoyed his mother’s bench.
Walt reflected “Because of the positive results of my first significant contribution, I have been inspired to continue my support for the WWC …. now and for many years into the future.”

Paul Schuch

When asked what he likes most about Western Wildlife Corridor Paul Schuch’s ready response is “Enthusiasm.  The volunteers really dive into the conservation work they do, and visitors to WWC’s preserves thoroughly enjoy their experiences.”  It was that enthusiasm that first attracted Paul to serve on WWC’s board of directors and volunteer.
“Preserving the land is what we need,” Paul explained.  “and WWC does a superb job of it.  I wanted to ensure preservation for the future and a gift by will was convenient, easy, and safe.  It’s a gift that will only be completed once I no longer need any assets left in my estate.  I’m pretty enthusiastic about it.”

Tim Sisson

When Tim Sisson’s parents mentioned their interest in permanently protecting a wooded area they owned, Tim contacted Western Wildlife Corridor.  Already a nature enthusiast, Tim was aware of WWC’s good work but had no prior contact with them.  His experience with that gift of real estate led Tim to volunteer and, eventually serve on WWC’s board of directors.
During a conversation with his attorney about estate planning the topic of charitable giving came up and Tim knew he wanted to include WWC in his gift plans.  “One of my concerns”, Tim explained, “was to make gifts that didn’t commit me to something I might not be able to afford in the future.  Naming WWC beneficiary of portions of two Individual Retirement Accounts was the perfect solution for me.  The gift to WWC will only be completed based on what remains in my IRAs when my estate is settled.”

Rick and Diane Veid

When Rick and Diane Veid bought their home in Delshire in 1992 one of the major selling points was the vast woodland lying just beyond their backyard. Wildflowers bloomed in spring, and a rainbow of foliage ushered in fall. But there was work to be done.

Diane: “Before the creation of the Delshire Preserve (in 1996) we thought honeysuckle was natural to the area and that keeping it out of our yard was the price we paid for living so close to nature. But once the Delshire Preserve was created and WWC volunteers cleared it of invasive species, the re-emergence of native plants has been just amazing. We now call the area behind our house Bluebell Hill.”

The Delshire Preserve’s 13.4 acres of greenspace stands as one of the largest tracts of land under WWC’s care and a model for community concern.

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