Ways to Give
There are so many different ways you can give to Western Wildlife Corridor

Cash Contributions
A simple and convenient way to support WWC is to make a contribution by check or credit card. Pledges may be made over several years or on an annual basis. You may receive tax benefits if you itemize deductions on your federal income tax return. The easiest way to give today is by becoming a member!
Join Kroger Community Rewards
For more information about Kroger Community Rewards and how to join, click here.
Gifts of Securities
A gift of appreciated securities, either publicly traded or from a private company, may provide greater tax advantages than gifts of cash. You may deduct the current fair market value as a charitable gift, and in most cases, avoid tax on capital gain on the appreciated value of securities.
Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of real estate can carry significant tax benefits, whether the property is residential, a farm, or an undeveloped parcel. Real property may be conveyed in any of three ways: as an outright gift, as a gift that allows a tenant to remain on the property throughout their lifetime or as an asset given with retained life income. A gift of real estate must be appraised to determine the tax deduction value.
Gifts of Conservation Easements
A conservation easement is a voluntary agreement that allows a landowner to limit the type or amount of development on their property while protecting the property’s ecological or open-space values and retaining private ownership of the land. The easement is signed by the landowner, who is the easement donor, and Western Wildlife Corridor, who is the party receiving the easement. We accept the easement with the understanding that we must enforce the terms of the easement in perpetuity.
Gifts of Personal Property
Contributions of tangible personal property may provide immediate tax advantages. The amount of the deduction is dependent upon whether the gift relates directly to our preservation efforts. The donor must secure an independent appraisal of the value of the gift for tax deduction purposes.
Pledge Donations through Community Shares
For more information, click here.
Employer Matching Gifts
Many employers will match or multiply a donation made to charitable organizations. Contact your Human Resources office for details and for appropriate documentation.
Contact Western Wildlife Corridor at 513.921.9453 to facilitate stock transfers or to discuss your giving interests.

Make a Gift For The Future
Gifts via Will
You may make provisions for Western Wildlife Corridor in your will, designating that either a dollar amount or a percentage of your estate go to Western Wildlife Corridor. Including WWC in your will is an opportunity to make a permanent investment in a cause you have supported during your lifetime.
Bequest intent and suggested language
The following or similar language should be used to describe the intent of an unrestricted bequest to be used for the greatest needs of Western Wildlife Corridor.
“Said (describe specific property, or insert dollar amount or percentage) is to be used to benefit the greatest needs of Western Wildlife Corridor.”
Gifts from Deferred Compensation Plans
Your qualified retirement plan (IRA, 401-k, 403-b, qualified pension plan, Keough Plan, etc) may be an excellent source of a deferred gift. You simply request a Change of Beneficiary form from the company that administers your plan and name WWC a beneficiary of all or part of your plan.
Gifts of Life Insurance
Naming WWC as the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy can provide gift opportunities to WWC and charitable tax deductions for you.
Gift That Provide You Income — Charitable Remainder Trusts
Charitable remainder trusts offer you the flexibility to design a trust that meets your individual goals. A Charitable Remainder Trust is an arrangement in which property or money is irrevocably transferred into a trust and eventually designated for the benefit of one or more named charities, but the donor and/or others named by the donor receive income from the trust’s investment for a specified period of time. Once that time has passed the principal of the trust transfers permanently to the named charity/charities.
The importance of letting us know
Many donors include specific instructions or designations with their deferred gifts. The best time for WWC to learn of any deferred gift plan, especially if it is designated for some specific purpose, is while the donor is still available to discuss these important details. This can be done directly with WWC or anonymously, through an intermediary such as the donor’s attorney. Regardless, if you have considered including WWC in your estate plans, please let us know so we can do our best to honor your wishes.
The benefit of written gift instructions
Having a signed document on file with WWC detailing the donor’s instructions and WWC’s acceptance of those instructions gives the donor the flexibility of modifying the gift’s purpose without the necessity and expense of rewriting the donor’s will. Most donors find this provision attractive. Please let us know if you wish to designate your gift and we will work with you to record your instructions.
Contact WWC at 513.921.9453 to learn more about giving plans that benefit WWC, you, and your loved ones.