What We Do

We protect, restore and preserve natural habitat, and provide education to foster connections with nature.

Protect and Conserve Land

Since 1992, Western Wildlife Corridor has been focused on protecting natural greenspace in and near the Ohio River valley between Cincinnati  and the Indiana border to the west. We do this for a lot of reasons; to protect and preserve habitat for local flora and fauna, to provide opportunities for people to access nature, and to offset and balance the environmental impacts and effects of development around us. Western Wildlife Corridor now protects over 400 acres of natural habitat

Habitat Restoration

Habitat restoration is one of the most important things that we do! Once we have protected a forest, either by owning it or through a conservation easement, our goal is to restore it to a natural state, allowing native plants and animals to flourish. – Habitat restoration typically involves the removal of invasive species of plants. Once invasive plants are removed, native plants will often return on their own, although sometimes we will give nature a helping hand, by reseeding and planting! 


Education is the key to ensuring the next generation of nature lovers, supporters, and leaders. We provide educational opportunities for all ages in hands-on situations, from children’s activities to hikes and seminars led by some of the brightest minds in their fields.  We’re very fortunate to have such a diverse and talented core group of volunteers and leaders. Check the events calendar for upcoming hikes or educational programs. 

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